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sexta-feira, 19 de agosto de 2011

O Fator Humano na Manutenção Aeronautica, este artigo foi preparado pela FAA para desenvolver metodos para evitar acidentes, mantive original, traduzam...

Dirty Dozen
According to ICAO annex 6 part 1 Human factors relate to human performance, human capabilities, and limitations which have an impact on the safety and efficiency of aeronautical operations.
The following factors called the Dirty Dozen have major influence on human performance in maintenance and RAMP.. They are described here and steps provided to adhere and follow to over come the influence for better and safer maintenance. These are also depicted and illustrated by simple safety posters for Maintenance and Ramp use:
·             COMPLACENCY
·             LACK OF KNOWLEDGE.
·             DISTRACTION
·             LACK OF TEAM WORK.
·             FATIGUE.
·             LACK OF RESOURCES.
·             PRESSURE.
·             STRESS
·             LACK OF AWARENESS
·             NORMS.
All the steps mentioned below covers a standard dictum. i.e.: follow the correct procedures.
Lack of communication : use logbooks or work sheets to communicate. Remove doubts and discuss work to be done or what has been completed. Never assume any thing. Stop the job when communication is lost and resume only when communication is restored. Re confirm with each other the action to be taken. .
Complacency : Train and learn yourself to expect to find a fault. Never sign for any thing you did not do. always use safety equipments.. Maintain your awareness of dangers. Remember it could happen to you. .
Lack of knowledge : If you are not sure do not hesitate to ask. Ask some one who knows. Short cuts can be deadly and know your danger zones. Use up to date manuals and get trained your self on the type.
Distraction : Do not leave the job un finished. If un avoidable then make a note. And mark the un completed work When return to the job always go back three steps. Use a detailed check list. If required double inspect by another or self. Notice the danger around you. . pay attention to clearances in congested areas . concentrate on one task at a time .
Lack of team work : Discuss what, who and how a job is to be done. Be sure every one under stands and agrees. Re confirm duties among team members. Communicate. Team tasks require a full team.
Fatigue : Be aware of the symptoms. and look for them in yourself and others. Recognize when fatigue could affect your performance. Plan to avoid. complex jobs at the bottom of your circadian rhythm.. maintain physical fitness. Get enough sleep and exercise regularly. Request others to check your work.
Lack of resources : Check suspect area at the beginning of the inspection and AOG the required parts. Order and stock anticipated parts before they are required.. Maintain standards and if in doubt ground the aircraft. Review all part sources and arrange for pooling or loaning. Plan ahead and organize your equipment. Hold on to the equipment until the task is completed.. don't improvise. Use the equipment designed for the job.
Pressure : Be sure the pressure is not self induced.. communicate your concerns and ask for extra help. Do not get pressurized and be assertive and know when to say no. always take the time to do the task safely. Be assertive. Know when to say no.
Lack of assertiveness : Assert yourself when you are correct. If it is not critical record in the paperwork and sign for only what is serviceable. Refuse to compromise your standards. Insist on a full team and request assistant when needed..
Be aware of how much it will affect your work. Stop and look rationally at the problem. Determine a rational course of action and follow it. Slow down and if required do it slowly. Take time off or at least a short break. Discuss it with some one. Ask fellow workers to monitor your work. Keep physically fit.
Lack of Awareness : Think of what may occur in the event of an accident. Check to see if your work will conflict with an existing modification or repair. Ask others if they can see any problem with the work done. Look for hazard around you. Look out for what might happen. Be aware that equipment can fail.
Always work as per the instructions., or have the instructions changed, in case you find them not in order. Norms should not supercede standing instructions'. Be aware that norms don't make it right. Work to recognize potentially dangerous practices. work to change potentially dangerous practices. Refuse to participate in unsafe practices.

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